Friday, April 18, 2014

Organic Superfoods Store Releases Their Certified Organic Spirulina Tablets For A Healthier Diet

Organic Superfoods Store's Online Brochure

These Certified Organic Spirulina 500mg tablets (60 tablets per bottle) are extremely rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants, making for the perfect organic Superfood supplement for a healthy diet. Extracted from the Spirulina plant, a single-cell plant organism belonging to the blue-green algae species, Organic Superfoods Store's organic spirulina tablets leverage on the natural cellular cleansing properties of the real plant, in its most natural state, and the fact that these tablets are 100% organic means that the inherent benefits are passed on to consumers as is.

In addition to the minerals, proteins, vitamins and anti oxidants, Spirulina also contains an abundance of chlorophyll, which helps to flush out bodily toxins while cleansing the kidneys, blood and liver. This cleansing property becomes more and more potent with regular intake of Organic Spirulina tablets, maintaining high levels of the mentioned micro-nutrients in the body to kick-start a number of health benefits.

"Direct purchases for the Organic Superfoods Store's Certified Organic Spirulina Tablets can be made at:

A very wide range of other organic superfoods are available for purchase, with the Certified Organic Spirulina tablets going for a feature price of only $5.99 (Save 7%+)"

One of the major direct benefits of Sprilunina (organic spriluna tablets) is that of combating obesity. Spirulina acts as an effective, mild appetite suppressant, widely used for safe weight control, while the range of micro-nutrients it contains makes up for any subsequent nutrients-deficit that may otherwise develop as a result of dieting. Regular ingestion of Spirulina tablets also re-organizes the body's natural biological processes associated with the absorption of calories and this directly contributes to the regulation of the metabolic rate, which makes for yet another angle through which Spirulina directly combats obesity and excessive weight gain.

With accredited quality as a 100% organic product, Organic Superfoods Store's Spirulina tablets follow a production-level process which stays true to the healthy & organic superfood supplier's high standards, passing on the savings amassed through exclusive sourcing and quality packaging to the consumer so that consumers can enjoy the full benefits of the product at an affordable price. Their suppliers operate under a strict set of guidelines, under which they are screened to ensure the procurement of only the finest superfoods which offer the highest quality in health benefits.


The Organic Superfoods Store is an online specialist supplier of healthy and organic superfoods, screening suppliers extensively to ensure they only manufacture products with the best ingredients, delivered in the best packaging.

Organic Superfoods Store's extensive inventory of healthy and organic superfoods covers a very wide range, from nuts and whole grains to Wheatgrass and the newly added Spirulina tablets (and everything in between).

Media Contact:

Contact Person: Atanas Stoyanov
Address: P.O. Box 75, San Antonio, FL 33576
Phone: +1-800-342-0620 (Toll Free)
Tel: +1-813-489-4224 (Local)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Problem Losing Some Weight: 2014 Superfoods May Help You

Stress can lose weight!

Eating is something that is hard to resists, but eating without any moderation at all can be something that you can regret for a long time. The problem is that when you eat a lot, of course you can expect of an outcome that seems to be hard to solve. But it does not also mean that you will not find a way to look and feel better about yourself. It may take some much effort in order for you to slim down or lose you might, but hey! It’s just an easy thing to do once you get really used with it.

Losing some weight is not that complicated as you tend to imagine. Of course, at first phase it will be really difficult but with some motivation. It will turn out to be the best way, in losing some weight; it does not need to be too complicated and too competitive. Well, doing some exercise and dealing with sports are a plus but then it also lies on the way you eat.

Here are some tips that will make you enjoy losing some weight without feeling to guilty. Say hello to these superfoods that will help you lose weight.

1. Oats

 - Many might think that eating oats seems to be boring, but this is one of the things that every people should have in their home. The fact that it is high in fiber and, that it is a good substitute for rice. Considered to be a healthy carbs that will burns fats and boost your metabolism.

 - Commonly known to be just an extra ingredient to some viand are also considered to be a healthy food for people who are planning to lose some weight. The protein content and unsaturated fat that can be found on it makes you feel like you are eating a substitute for red meat.

 - Who would not like to eat avocados, even if many believe that it is high in cholesterol? But, wait the "Oleic acid" which is considered to be a healthy monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) that can help quiet hunger. Also the protein and fiber that this creamy fruit should not also be ignore. Just try to maintain a quite half stick and you will be surprised on how the fats melt away,

4. Salmon

- This might be one of crowd's favorite, no one will ever resist when it is offered in the table. It is known to be healthy source of protein without feeling any fat content on it that makes you full and satisfied.

 - this may be a favorite as filling for favorite pies and cheesecake, but it is also considered to be a healthy snack that can make you lose some weight. A cup of blueberries can only give you a whopping 80 calories to make you full plus the 4 grams of fiber for good digestion.

The following list can certainly be a start-up for some planning on losing weight without spending too much. Although there is still a bunch of list of food to rely, it will be better to start and look for yourself on how effective it is. Just add some exercise and hard work to your everyday plan to see the result in a snap.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Guide To Eating Healthy With Superfoods

In this and age where food is genetically modified to meet the demands of the consumers, you can expect that the nutritional value of the food available in the market is no longer as substantial as before. Perhaps this is the reason why a lot of people are into food supplements in order to add what is lacking in their diet. On the other hand, there are those who opt for healthy eating by consuming organic produce and what they call the “superfoods”.

People are into healthy eating these days. This is no longer trivial considering that there are a lot of people who are suffering from chronic diseases due to unhealthy eating habits. That is the reason why “superfoods” are becoming a staple in every household.

Super foods
Organic Superfoods

What is a superfood?
Superfood is the term used for food with high nutritional value and health benefits. Among the most common foods include the apples, blueberries, whole grain, broccoli, etc. Most of these foods are packed with vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that can boost your immune system. When taken in moderation, you can be sure that you will get the most benefits from them.
Here are the benefits of superfoods you can find today:

Apples - it aids in giving you better and easier bowel movement because of its soluble fiber, the pectin. Aside from that, pectin also helps in reducing the bad cholesterol level in the blood. With this, the risks of having cardiovascular diseases are also reduced. The saying “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away” still holds true.

Blueberries - if you want to reduce your risks of having arthritis and other cardiovascular diseases, then blueberries should always a part of your diet. It suppresses the inflammation because of its flavonoids.

Beans and nuts - it is rich in protein and fibers that aid good bowel movement. In most cases, nuts are best eaten during pregnancy as it helps in your baby’s developing brain.

Olive oil - this is best consumed as an ingredient for salad dressings. According to experts, its good components are at its best when it is not heated.

Tomato - if you want to reduce your risk to certain cancers, tomato may be just a great addition to your diet. It is rich in lycopene, which combats the said diseases. You can opt for canned tomato sauces, juices and other heat-processed tomato products as they are richer in lycopene compared to fresh produce. However, you can still enjoy eating the fresh ones as you can still get a good amount of lycopene and other helpful elements from it.

Dark chocolate - yes, chocolates can make you happy. It is not only delicious but is also very rich in antioxidants. According to studies, it is most beneficial for those who are suffering from hypertension.
The aforementioned superfoods are just some of the few that you can try. Just always remember that it would be best to take everything in moderation as too much something may be bad for you. So when you try them out, always ensure that you try to combine them so as you can get the most benefits of these superfoods.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Detox With Dandelion Root

You see them growing in your backyard, the yellow flowers that transform into magical puff of white - the Dandelion flower.  Did you know that besides being a vehicle for childhood wishes, this weed has been used since ancient times for its healthful properties and is actually a medicinal wonder?

This weed-like superfood is used to cleanse the liver; treat problems such as diabetes, acne, cancer, anemia, scurvy, high blood pressure, and gall bladder issues; premenstrual symptoms such as bloating, gas and water weight gain; urinary disorders and depression. For skin problems like warts, the root exudes a white sticky resin which when applied directly can dissolve warts.

Dandelion is a natural diuretic that removes excess toxins and water from your body which purifies the blood. As a diuretic, Dandelion stimulates you to urinate more thereby inhibiting microbial growth in the urinary system. This helps cleanse the entire urinary tract and naturally lowers blood pressure. By purifying the blood, your liver does less work as for some, the liver is overburdened with the amount of work it has to do on a daily basis. Dandelion not only benefits the liver, but also its digestive partner, the gallbladder. The gallbladder is responsible for bile production, which allows the body to break down fats. 

This flowering plant is packed with essential minerals for the entire body. It is rich in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. Dandelion is a very good source of beta-carotene which we convert into vitamin A.  It has B complex vitamins, trace minerals, organic sodium, and even vitamin D.  Dandelion contains more protein than spinach. 

Dandelion is also great for diabetics because it helps the body produce insulin and control blood sugar. It also plays a vital role in bone health as a great source of calcium. Dandelion is considered safe in food and medicinal levels. Even medical experts regard dandelion use as generally safe—rare side effects include upset stomach and diarrhea—making dandelion root tea a good option if you're looking for ways to detox.

There you have it, this little yellow flower that many consider an unwanted weed is actually a superfood and an extremely useful medicine found in your very own backyard. So, if you're feeling bloated, you simply take a Dandelion root tea to cure that puffy, overly full feeling or you can roast the root and drink it as a coffee with Almond Milk & Stevia.