One category of superfood that many people don't think of often as a healthy alternative to over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen and aspirin are spices. It's true, spices do more than add flavor to your food. They often also produce health benefits.
Holy Basil, for instance, is known to be an anti-inflammatory.
Inflammation can lead to other health problems, such as heart disease, cancer, arthritis, asthma, allergies, and more. But if you sprinkle a few spices on your foods on a regular basis, you can increase the health benefits to your body and curb the undesired side effects of over-the-counter drugs.
Other Spice Superfoods With Health Benefits
Ginger is a natural remedy against many ailments such as several types of cancer and migraine headaches. Scientific studies at the University of Michigan and the University of Minnesota found that ginger can slow the growth of colorectal cancer and treat ovarian cancer. It has also been used to treat morning sickness, motion sickness, and heartburn.
Another common spice with powerful health benefits is garlic. It has been known to lower blood pressure, contains antioxidant properties, reduces yeast infections, prevents cancer, and helps to regulate blood sugar. These are just a few of the benefits of the superfood garlic.
Parsley is another spice superfood. Rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A, it strengthens the body's immune system. Parsley also acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. The Vitamin K in parsley strengthen the body's bones and prevents calcium build up.
Rosemary has many health benefits: Cancer prevention, memory improvement, mood elevation, pain relief, immune system boosts, hair growth, better blood circulation, fresh breath, anti-aging properties, liver detoxification, and respiratory health benefits.
Black pepper aids in the digestion of food. It also reduces intestinal gas.
Cinnamon lowers bad cholesterol, can treat Type 2 diabetes, contains antifungal properties, fight blod clotting, and stabilizes blood sugar. These are just a few of the health benefits of cinnamon.
There Are No Limits To The Benefits Of Spice
Many other spices also fall into the superfood category as a result of their natural health benefits. Turmeric, cardamon, chives, cilantro, cloves, nutmeg, cumin, sage, peppermint, and the list goes on. Many spices can be chewed on or taken as dietary supplements, but it's always good to cook with them as well as many of the health benefits of this superfoods group can be realized as you eat your normal meals.
If you aren't getting the proper nutritional value from your daily meals, taking spices as supplements can improve your mood, your health, and your spirits.