Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Vegetables and Fruits Best For Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an immune reaction in gluten consumption, a protein mostly found in wheat, rye and barley. If an individual had this kind of disease, consuming gluten will eventually trigger an immune response in the small intestine. Over time this kind of reaction in the intestine produces inflammation resulting to a damage small intestine lining and prevents some nutrients to be absorbed by the body.
Nowadays, due to the demand of looking for an alternative regimen to prevent an immune reaction in people with celiac disease, there are proven superfoods and organic foods to address it. There are known 5 gluten-free superfoods available now for celiac disease sufferers. However, many celiac disease patients are unaware of these healthy foods that could help them out. These basic foods work alongside with a gluten-free diet to nourish, replenish and facilitate body’s healing processes.
Although diet experts agree that foods containing gluten are not essential to a well-balanced diet, some celiac may require more than a gluten-free diet plan to heal the damage caused by the disease. Superfoods are considered to be a unique category of food substances that are absolutely packed with organic nutrients with various health benefits. Some of these foods do contain unique phytochemicals and properties that help in the healing mechanism of our body which is essential to individuals with celiac.
One of the known organic foods is moringa. The leaves of moringa tree are typically dried and ground up into a powder form that is extremely rich in proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and likely a ton of undiscovered benefits. In fact, this is utilized to combat poverty globally due to its nutritional content which makes it very close to a perfect food providing our body the complete nutrients it needs.
Another kind of healthy foods that helps celiac patients is the coconut. Coconut is also a superfood. It provides our body essential medium chain fatty acids that protect and heal the body. This is only one of the amazing health benefits coconut can offer. Coconut is full of nutrients.

Are you familiar with flaxseed oil? This is already popular in the market today because of its high omega-3 fatty acid content. The oil of this kind shown to possess anti-inflammatory and mild estrogenic properties that may benefit individuals including celiac patients. The seed itself also a rich source of lignans proved to soothe the intestinal tracts.

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